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We'll help you find a solution to plastic pollution!

130 Denison Street Hillsdale
Sydney, NSW 2036

0061 02 9695 3211

Bioplas is the solution to plastic pollution. Bioplas Australia is certified worldwide as truly biodegradable and compostable plastic. Products include compostable packaging, bags & mulch films made solely from certified Mater-Bi raw materials and compostable inks. 

International Horticultural Congress 17-22 August 2014: Join us in Brisbane!


International Horticultural Congress 17-22 August 2014: Join us in Brisbane!

Bioplas Australia

The 29th International Horticultural Congress will be held in Brisbane from 17th to 22nd August 2014 and is only the second IHC to be held in the southern hemisphere.

With over 4,000 abstracts received, the Congress will offer an extensive program of plenary sessions, symposia, workshops, training schools and tours. The Congress program will include 43 symposia covering a wide range of topics on all aspects of horticulture, arboriculture and medicinal and aromatic plants.

A diverse range of plenary sessions has also been included in the program. These will run in the opening sessions on each day of the Congress. You will have the opportunity and privilege of hearing from some leading experts in their fields from around the world. Topics will include horticulture in relation to food security, food safety, the environment and health.

Bioplas will attend the Congress with a presentation titled: "Completely biodegradable mulch film: the ideal alternative for a sustainable agriculture" on Thursday 21st  August at 4:45pm. Bioplas presentation will focus on the economical and environmental advantages of biodegradable mulch film, how to recognize a completely biodegradable mulch film which do not leave any harmful plastic residues in the soil, Australian growers experiences with Mater-Bi agricultural mulch film certified according to "OK Biodegradable in soil" program released by the European Indipendent lab AIB Vincotte.

To download the Congress program click here.

If you wish to meet Bioplas during the IHC, please contact us.


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