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We'll help you find a solution to plastic pollution!

130 Denison Street Hillsdale
Sydney, NSW 2036

0061 02 9695 3211

Bioplas is the solution to plastic pollution. Bioplas Australia is certified worldwide as truly biodegradable and compostable plastic. Products include compostable packaging, bags & mulch films made solely from certified Mater-Bi raw materials and compostable inks. 


Filtering by Tag: zero waste

Organic Stream: free education about organic waste collection and recycling

Bioplas Australia

We are pleased to share The Organic Stream online course with anyone with an interest in the topic of organic waste management. The course is designed for beginners and is addressed to local government, policy makers, agriculture and any other business active in the sector. It offers a complete overview of how to set up an efficient source separation and processing system for organic waste.

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San Francisco Zero Waste program: a model for organic waste recycling

Bioplas Australia

San Francisco’s Zero Waste Program is delivering results that have been noticed by waste policymakers. Organics diversion from commercial and municipal streams increased 50% within three years of the Mandatory Recycling and Composting Ordinance being passed in 2009.

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