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130 Denison Street Hillsdale
Sydney, NSW 2036

0061 02 9695 3211

Bioplas is the solution to plastic pollution. Bioplas Australia is certified worldwide as truly biodegradable and compostable plastic. Products include compostable packaging, bags & mulch films made solely from certified Mater-Bi raw materials and compostable inks. 

Big Data to improve waste recycling


Big Data to improve waste recycling

Bioplas Australia

We are pleased to share the last podcast released by The Organic Stream which explore how data technologies are changing the recycling and waste management landscape.

In a world where connectivity is fast-growing and technology is everywhere, ‘big data’ is becoming a central element to advance outreach and education strategies and improve the performance of recycling schemes. The Organic Stream interviewed Mr. Marco Mattiello of Italian waste management company Contarina, the best performers in waste prevention and recycling in a wide area in Europe. Contarina reached in less than 15 years more than 85% in separate collection in the Italian province of Treviso, whilst reducing costs and creating jobs.

Mr. Mattiello explained how the integration of an RFID chip on the edge of the cover of each waste bin allows Contarina to scan each bin directly from the lorries and to know exactly for each user how many times the bin has been emptied. Furthermore each user has their own username and password, where they can check in real-time how many times their residual bin has been emptied, at what time, and which day. The introduction of an RFID tracking system into Contarina's recycling program has increased efficiency and improved engagement.

To listen at the whole interview, go to The Organic Stream podcast.

This interview is made possible by Sartori Ambiente , which supplies systems and containers for effective waste segregation and management, paying attention to how waste is collected, and the needs of householders, to deliver the most practical and convenient solutions.

If you are interested in waste bins and home composters produced by Sartori Ambiente, enquire with us.